Whilst the vast majority of participants enjoy their experience with Choose a Challenge, as is the nature of the travel industry, there are always going to be occasions where things don’t go to plan.

If you encounter any issues either before or during your trip, we would ask that you promptly communicate these to us, so that we first have a chance to put things right. If your trip is yet to depart then you should contact us by phone or email; if you are already on your trip then you should speak to one of our staff members or guides.

Our contact details are as follows:

Telephone - 0203 773 4140

Email - team@chooseachallenge.com

Postal Address - cc406 The Biscuit Factory, 100 Drummond Road, London. SE16 4DG

If you wish to raise a formal complaint, please submit this by email or letter. We are not able to accept complaints over the phone. On receipt, your complaint will be acknowledged within five working days. We will then investigate the concern(s) you have raised, before issuing a final response letter within 10 working days of your complaint.

Please ensure that your initial complaint details all of your concerns, and is submitted to us in its entirety. If your complaint relates to your trip then we would ask that you submit this to us within 10 working days from your date of return, so that we can raise the matter swiftly with any suppliers and/or ground teams.

If you remain dissatisfied after receiving our response, we will log the matter as a grievance. Again, this must be submitted in writing (either by email or letter), and will need to detail your ongoing concern(s). We will acknowledge your grievance within five working days. The matter will then be escalated to Senior Management for an independent investigation, after which you will receive a final response within 20 working days of your grievance.

This final response will mark the end of our internal dispute resolution process. If you still remain dissatisfied, and wish to pursue the matter further, you may approach ABTA and consider their Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme.


We hope the above information is helpful. If you have any feedback about your trip, please don’t hesitate to contact us to make us aware. We always welcome comments and suggestions to help the continual improvement of our products and services.